Course Syllabus

Fundamental components of time series; Preliminary tests: randomness, trend, seasonality; Estimation/elimination of trend and seasonality; Mathematical formulation of time series; Stationarity concepts; Auto Covariance and Autocorrelation functions of stationary time series and its properties; Linear stationary processes and their time-domain properties: AR, MA, ARMA, seasonal, non-seasonal and mixed models; ARIMA models; Multivariate time series processes and their properties: VAR, VMA and VARMA; Parameter estimation of AR, MA, and ARMA models: LS approach, ML approach for AR, MA and ARMA models, Asymptotic distribution of MLE; Best Linear predictor and Partial autocorrelation function; Model-identification with ACF and PACF; Model order estimation techniques; Frequency domain analysis: spectral density and its properties and its estimation, Periodogram analysis.

Course Logistics

  • Revised Schedule: 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Thursday, 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Friday
  • Venue: 5201, Core 5.

Course Evaluation (Tentative)

  • Attendance: 10%
  • Quizzes: 30%
  • Mid semester exam: 30%
  • End semester exam: 30%

Some references (not an exhaustive list)

  • P. J. Brockwell and R.A. Davis, Introduction to Time Series and Forecasting, 2nd Edition, Springer, 2002.
  • T. W. Anderson, The Statistical Analysis of Time Series. Vol. 19, 1st Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2011.
  • Rob J Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos, Forecasting: Principles and Practice (3rd ed). 2021.
  • P. J. Brockwell and R.A. Davis, Time Series: Theory and Methods, 2nd Edition, Springer Science & Business Media, 2009.
  • J. D. Hamilton, Time Series Analysis, 1st Edition, Princeton University Press. 2020.

Topics to be covered during the weeks

Lecture Date Topic Resources R codes
1 25-July-2024 Introduction to Time Series: Probabilistic definition; Storing and Manipulating time series in R; Examples Rob J Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos, Forecasting: Principles and Practice (3rd ed). 2021.
2 26-July-2024 Plotting time series in R; Commonly observed patterns: Trend; Seasonality; Cyclic; Examples in R Rob J Hyndman and George Athanasopoulos, Forecasting: Principles and Practice (3rd ed). 2021.
3 (1.5 hours lecture) 1-Aug-2024 Patterns in time series: trend, seaosnal, cyclic; identifying patterns in different data sets in R; difference between seasonal and cyclic patterns; Seasonal plots: What are they and how to plot them in R? Seasonal subseries plots: What are they and how to plot them in R?
4 (1.5 hours lecture) 2-Aug-2024 Identifying relationships between multiple time series: scatter plots, correlation coefficients; Lag plots; Autocorrelations; ACF plots; White noise model and it's ACF plot
5 (1.5 hours lecture) 8-Aug-2024 Recap: White noise and ACF plots; Transformations and adjustments: Per capita adjustments, Inflation adjustments, Mathematical Transformations: Box-Cox Transformations Lecture5-transformations.R
6 (1.5 hours lecture) 9-Aug-2024 Preliminary tests:
  • Test for existence of trend
  • Test for existence of seasonality
  • Test for randomness
7 (1.5 hours lecture) 16-Aug-2024 Time series decomposition: Classical decomposition; Estimation of trend: Least squares approach, moving average method, exponentially weighted moving average, one-sided moving average. Examples in R.
8 (1.5 hours lecture) 22-Aug-2024
  • Estimation/ Elimination of trend and seasonality: slow trend method, significant trend method, elimination by differencing.
  • A tidy workflow for forecasting
9 (1.5 hours lecture) 23-Aug-2024
  • Forecasting workflow in R; Some simple (benchmark) forecasting methods: average method, naive method, seasonal naive method, drift method. Examples and exercies in R.
  • Observed values, forecasts, fitted values and residuals.
10 (1.5 hours lecture) 29-Aug-2024 Quiz 2; Residual diagnostics; Prediction intervals.
11 (Homework) 2-Sep-2024 Forecasts using Transformations; Measures of forecast accuracy
Quiz 1 solution Quiz 1 Solution
12 (1.5 hours lecture) 4-Sep-2024 Stationarity of a time series
Quiz 2 solution Quiz 2 Solution
13 (1 hour lecture) 5-Sep-2024 Probability models for time series: White Noise, Moving average models, Autoregresive models
14 (1 hours lecture) 6-Sep-2024 ARMA ... ?
No classes 9-Sep-2024 - 13 Sep-2024
Mid Semester week 14-Sep-2024 - 22 Sep-2024
15 (1.5 hours lecture?) 26-Sep-2024 AR(1), AR(2) processes and conditions for their stationarity
16 (1.5 hours lecture) 27-Sep-2024 Clarification of stationarity conditions for AR(2) process; region of stationarity; Yule-walker equations and ACF structures; Invertibility of AR(1) and AR(2) processes.
17 (1.5 hours lecture) 3-Oct-2024 Invertibility of AR(p); When is an AR(p) process a causal process?; Invertibility of MA(1), MA(q) and ARMA(p,q); An example; Autocovariance Generating functions with examples; Intergrated processes; Definition of an ARIMA process; Partial autocorrelations; An example in R for ARIMA fitting.